One of the things we're working on is a series of Ace Kilroy t-shirts. This preview of one possible design is courtesy our pal Misty Layne--stay tuned for further details!
Tim Allen Brent Almond Christy Alvord Sadina Badillo William Becker Kent Beeson John Bergeron Jason Motes Bowles Russell Burbage Sachem Clark Dan Colon Ray DeForest Cory Drew Cassie Drogose John Embree Ed & Dina Evans John P. Girone Nicolas Gunning Steven Hager Nikki IlVento Michelle Knoblach Derek M. Koch Terry Mahoney Mark Mazurkiewicz Seann McCollum Joe Mello Ryan Murphy John Newcomer Kayla O'Connor Carlos Renteria Jr. Butch Rosenbaum Daniel Shively Nico Spatucci Doug Slack David Terhune Sean Tiffany Stephanie Till Glenn Walker Laird Warner Marisa Young
Now that's a great shirt! ;)